Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Class #5 (Tues, Feb 22) Red Light Green Light

In this class, we looked at the goals of an activity such as Red Light Green Light.
Goals: Following Directions
Interest-Physical Activities
Engaging Mind with Body
Winning- Being the Leader

We then discussed limitations this activity may have:
Physical Needs (speed)
Very Auditory
There are "Losers"
Need to Process Commands Quickly

Our Instructor presented us with an alternate activity called the Train Game that included the same goals and commands for following directions.

We then had to think of or make up an activity with the same goals. Our group thought of Chained Tag/ or Blob.
You play as you would Tag, beginning with one tagger. When the tagger tags someone, both individuals link together and become a chain of taggers. Each time someone is taged, they add to the chain. Only the two end people can tag others. When the facilitator yells "break", the chain breaks and then there are two chains of taggers, with 4 end people to do the tagging. This continues multiplying the taggers on each "break" untill everyone is caught.

Next in class, we were given a population (we were given individuals with Spinal Chord Injury.) We had to think of a fasion design activity with 3 Goals, use 3 non-traditional materials, and create a judging stategy for the activity.
We decided to creat a hat, as all people can use a hat. Our goals included: 1.) Expand Creativity 2.) Express selves 3.) Experience new leisure
Special Conciderations:
Needs to be an activity where you only need to use hands.
Make sure everyone has the same abilities to make fair competition.
2.) Leaves
3.) Pipe cleaners

Judgeing: THe most creative use of materieals
Displaying of the hats would be done as a fasion show

A new activity that could be done with these same goals would be sand art.

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